Do I Need a Medical Malpractice Attorney?

When a person has been harmed at the hands of a trusted doctor, attending nurse, or other medical professional, there are many different emotions that accompany the physical harm that has resulted from the negligence. It may be difficult to determine if there was a negligent act or omission that caused the injury, but if you suspect that a healthcare provider made an error that caused severe harm, it is crucial to speak with an attorney.
Does It Matter If the Attorney Does Not Specialize in Medical Malpractice?
Although many personal injury attorneys handle medical malpractice cases, the fact is that these cases are usually very complex and require specialized knowledge. It is very difficult to prove that a doctor or other healthcare provider made a serious error that resulted in long-term or permanent harm. This is especially true because the medical community has a history of protecting its own, which means that it is difficult to find people who are willing to testify about the mistake.
Another reason why it is critical to retain a skilled medical malpractice attorney is because this type of case requires a qualified medical expert. The expert has the obligation of establishing the standard of care that applied to the healthcare provider at the time of the negligence and then establish how the medical professional breached that duty of care. There are very specific regulations that limit who may testify as an expert witness. An experienced medical malpractice attorney understands the complexities of building a strong, effective case.
In addition, medical malpractice attorneys are skilled at dealing with the representatives of insurance companies that insure medical professionals. The interactions lead to the development of a very specific skillset, which can lead to more reasonable settlement negotiations and the payment of fair compensation without having to go through the stress of a trial in certain cases.
What is Involved with Bringing a Medical Malpractice Case?
These cases are complicated and may take many years to go to trial. These cases also involve a lot of expenses, including the cost of retaining a qualified medical expert. Dedicated malpractice attorneys understand this and in determining whether or not to bring a case, will calculate the cost and cover the expenses that accrue throughout the course of the legal action. Some of the costs include:
- The gathering of documents through discovery – This is a very involved process and takes a lot of time and effort to find the proof that the medical professional acted in a negligent manner, causing the injury to the patient. This is another reason why it is imperative to find an experienced medical malpractice attorney. There are strict time limitations in which to commence a case in every jurisdiction. It is not as simple as preparing a document and getting the case started. There must be ample time to go through the discovery process and create the strongest case possible, which is why a person who has been injured should consult with an attorney as soon as possible;
- Taking depositions – A medical malpractice case involves investigation into the circumstances that resulted in the severe harm, which typically involves many fact-finding depositions. Scheduling and conducting depositions is a costly proposition, but it is a critical part of the trial process;
- Retaining the right medical expert – The medical expert is a crucial part of the trial process. Due to the strict qualifications and the demand for these experts, their fees are high; and
- Many other expenses relating to preparing, filing, and arguing a complex medical malpractice case.
An injury caused by negligence may lead to a lifetime of ongoing medical care, loss of work, inability to engage in favorite activities, impact on family relationships, significant expenses, physical pain, and emotional suffering. The right medical malpractice attorney can make all the difference in getting someone who has been harmed by a healthcare provider the compensation that he or she needs to live the best life possible.
Stern Law, PLLC Fights for Medical Malpractice Victims
When a person has been injured because a doctor, nurse, or other medical professional has made a serious mistake, it is crucial to find the medical malpractice attorney who is going to fight the hardest and most effectively to get the best possible outcome. At Stern Law, PLLC, our attorney has worked for more than 30 years to get the compensation that our clients need to recover from the harm done by a healthcare provider’s preventable mistake. Stern Law, PLLC also provides resources for anyone with questions or concerns about medical malpractice and the mistakes by healthcare providers that cause terrible harm. We have knowledgeable and dedicated staff members available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, to answer any questions, regardless of whether or not you are a client. Call us at 1-844-808-7529 or fill out an online contact form in order to learn how we can help you get through this difficult time.