Xolair Blood Clots Mass Tort Lawsuit Lawyers

zolar blood clot lawsuits

Xolair Might Cause Blood Clots As Well As Brain, Heart, And Lung Problems / Side Effects, Including Strokes And Deaths

Xolair is a drug manufactured by Genentech and Novartis that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2003 to treat children and adults with severe asthma symptoms. More specifically, Xolair is an injection given in a doctor’s office every two to four weeks when the asthmatic patient is having difficulty managing his or her asthma through the use of a traditional inhaler.

Now, an increasing number of professionals and those who have been treated with Xolair injections as questioning whether continued use of the medication is safe and appropriate given the serious side effects associated with its use.

Individuals who were given Xolair injections and who thereafter developed one or more serious side effects (and were injured thereby) may have a legal cause of action against Genentech. These individuals should speak with a knowledgeable and competent Xolair injury attorney.

Potential Dangers of Xolair

Six years after its approval and introduction to the drug market, the FDA issued a communication in which it announced that Xolair may cause negative heart-related side effects.

This communication came after a study found that Xolair use increased the user’s risk for:

  • Ischemic heart disease;
  • Arrhythmeias;
  • Cardiac failure;
  • Other heart related disorders and diseases.

Further testing and examination of the issue of Xolair’s safety and appropriateness for use uncovered that Xolair side effects could negatively impact the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart and to the brain, and that this could result in:

  • Stroke or “mini-stroke”;
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clots in the leg(s);
  • Pulmonary hypertension; and/or
  • Heart attack.

One can easily surmise from this list of potential side effects that Xolair use can not only result in unpleasant or uncomfortable conditions but can actually kill the user.

Filing a Lawsuit for a Xolair Injury Incident

As a result, individuals who claim they were given Xolair and who believed they suffered a serious side effect as a result are considering filing lawsuits against the two manufacturers.

These lawsuits are premised on several legal theories:

  • First, that the drug Xolair is unreasonably dangerous, even for its intended uses, given the severity of the side effects that can result from a Xolair injection;
  • Secondly, that the drug manufacturers failed to do sufficient testing before seeking approval for Xolair and releasing it into the market. This claims that had appropriate testing been completed, the drug manufacturers would have seen that Xolair was dangerous and would not have released the drug for sale;
  • Lastly, that the drug manufacturers failed to warn the public and potential users of Xolair about the dangerous side effects that could result. Because the manufacturers failed to do this (the lawsuit alleges), patients were not able to make an informed choice about whether Xolair was right for them and they were instead put at risk of harm.

These claims illustrate the responsibilities that drug manufacturers like Genentech and Novartis have when developing a new drug. Obviously, every drug will have its potential side effects, and just because a drug could potentially cause serious harm or even death does not mean the manufacturer of the drug should be held civilly responsible.

However, drug manufacturers do need to:

  • Conduct adequate testing on a new drug in order to determine the drug’s effectiveness, what potential side effects might exist, how often certain side effects occur, and whether there is a less dangerous way to manufacture the drug;
  • Be aware or make themselves aware of the side effects of their new drug. Drug manufacturers cannot “hide their head in the sand” and pretend that if they do not hear about any side effects then that must mean the drug is working perfectly. If the company should have known about a potential side effect’s presence, then that drug manufacturer can be treated as if it knew the information (even if, in fact, the drug manufacturer did not).
  • Make information about the drug’s side effects easily noticeable on the drug’s packaging and accessible for individuals to read and educate themselves;
  • Recall an unsafe or dangerous product from the shelves of stores if evidence surfaces suggesting that the product has become dangerous to others.

Drug manufacturers who follow these very basic guidelines will undoubtedly produce better, safer drugs.

Have Stern Law, PLLC Evaluate Your Xolair Claim

If you took one or more Xolair injections on the advice of your doctor and you now believe you may have suffered a head, heart, and/or clogging injury related to your injection, contact the experienced defective drug law firm of Stern Law, PLLC. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and any other expenses you incurred, but we would need to look at the details of your case. You can reach us at (844) 808-7529.

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