TVM Lawsuit Update and News

TVM Lawsuits Filed Against Boston Scientific and American Medical Systems
Pelvic organ prolapse is a serious medical condition that can significantly impact the lives of women who have given birth and/or who have gone through menopause. Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the pelvic muscles that support organs like the bladder, uterus, and rectum weaken, allowing these organs to press down upon the woman’s vaginal wall. In some extreme cases, the woman’s organs may actually bulge out from her vagina. A woman who is affected by pelvic organ prolapse can experience pain and discomfort, be unable to enjoy sexual intercourse, and may have recurring urinary tract infections. (Men can also be affected by pelvic organ prolapse).
There are several treatments available for women who have suffered pelvic organ prolapse. Within the past 15 years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of a mesh kit to treat pelvic organ prolapse in women (although surgeons had been using surgical mesh as a treatment for pelvic organ prolapse since the 1970s). Boston Scientific and American Medical Systems are two companies who have manufactured and distributed these “transvaginal mesh kits” for use by doctors as an alternative to traditional surgery. Because of complications and side effects, however, both Boston Scientific and American Medical Systems have found themselves named as defendants in several lawsuits filed by women who allege they were injured by these manufacturers’ transvaginal mesh kits.
The Problems Associated with Transvaginal Mesh Kits
Manufacturers like Boston Scientific and American Medical Systems marketed their transvaginal mesh kits as an alternative treatment to surgery for women who suffered from pelvic organ prolapse. The mesh material would be inserted through the woman’s vagina and secured in place to support and hold up the falling organs. After implantation, the woman’s own tissue would grow over the mesh, making it more stable and secure.
Many women have reported numerous problems with their transvaginal mesh implants. These devices have caused complications such as perforation of surrounding organs and painful intercourse. In some cases, women have had to have one or more surgeries to extract the mesh material and repair the damage caused by the mesh. If the woman’s tissue has already connected and intertwined with the mesh, it may be impossible for a doctor to remove the mesh.
Judgments Against Boston Scientific
Lawsuits were filed by women injured by Boston Scientific’s transvaginal mesh kit. These suits alleged Boston Scientific’s device was dangerous and did not include sufficient warnings to alert potential users of the device of its dangers. A West Virginia federal jury awarded injured women who had filed suit in that jurisdiction $18.5 million in damages. Around the same time, a jury hearing a lawsuit against Boston Scientific in federal court in Miami awarded women injured by another Boston Scientific device over $26 million in damages.
In 2014, a Texas jury hearing a case filed in state court awarded an injured woman $73 million in compensation. This included nearly $50 million designated as punitive damages following the jury’s finding that Boston Scientific had acted with gross negligence.
Judgments Against American Medical Systems
American Medical Systems has reached settlements with various groups of women who claim they were injured by the company’s transvaginal mesh. In 2012, the company agreed to pay over $54 million to settle a number of claims that had been filed in state and federal court. Approximately two years later, American Medical Systems reached another agreement wherein it agreed to settle approximately 20,000 claims filed by women claiming to have been injured by its mesh product for $830 million.
I Have Been Injured by a Transvaginal Mesh Device
These awards and settlements do not guarantee that any particular person injured by a transvaginal mesh kit manufactured by Boston Scientific or American Medical Systems will receive compensation. However, they do suggest that women injured by transvaginal mesh should explore their legal options with a skilled and knowledgeable transvaginal mesh injury lawyer. Some companies like American Medical Systems have recognized that their transvaginal mesh devices have caused harm to female patients and may therefore be more willing to settle a claim for compensation. Other manufacturers may insist that they did nothing wrong in manufacturing or marketing their device.
If you or a loved one had a transvaginal mesh device manufactured by Boston Scientific, American Medical Systems, or some other company and thereafter suffered injury, speak with the experienced plaintiff law firm of Stern Law, PLLC. Our firm will review the facts of your injury and loss and advise you of your legal rights. If our firm determines you may have a possible claim for compensation, we will work with you to assist you in obtaining adequate compensation for your losses and suffering. Contact Stern Law, PLLC at (844) 808-7529 and let our experienced and dedicated firm help you recover from your transvaginal mesh-related injuries.