DePuy ASR Hips Lawyers

Warning: DePuy ASR Hip Replacement Devices Can Cause Serious Complications
Each year, approximately 270,000 people in the U.S. undergo hip replacement surgery, with more than 20% of them performed using what is known as “metal-on-metal” hip implants. A metal-on-metal hip implant is a device that contains a metal ball and socket which are typically made of chromium or cobalt. For many years before the use of metal-on-metal implants, earlier devices were made from other materials such as polyethylene (plastic) or ceramic. However, over last ten years, many orthopedic surgeons have favored implants made with metal stems and sockets, as they appeared to be more resistant to dislocation and material wear and tear.
One such hip placement device that showed promise for people with serious hip problems was the DePuy ASR Resurfacing System, or “DePuy ASR”, manufactured by DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc., (“DePuy”), and released to the public back in July of 2003.
Since then, the device has unfortunately received quite a bit of public scrutiny, due to serious complications associated with its use, such as:
- Chronic hip, groin or back pain
- Painful walking or moving
- Swelling in the hip/groin area
- Dislocation or loosening of the implant device
- A clicking or crunching noise originating from the implant device
- Decreased physical ability
- Metal poisoning
- Subsequent hip implant revision surgeries
- Cancer from toxic metal exposure
FDA Warnings about the DePuy ASR
Due to studies linking the DePuy ASR to the above-listed complications, DePuy decided to voluntarily recall its ASR device in August, 2010. Moreover, in December of 2011, the FDA sent a warning letter to DePuy, advising them that a number of its hip, knee and joint replacement devices were being improperly marketed. In addition to being cited for selling products that did not receive FDA approval, DePuy was also informed by the FDA that their hip replacement products lacked effective quality control procedures – citing the issues associated with the DePuy ASR as precedent. In essence, the FDA provided that DePuy did not use appropriate methods that would have demonstrated the number of quality issues associated with the DePuy ASR and numerous other related products. The FDA has also recognized a link between metal-on-metal implants and metal poisoning.
What’s the Problem with the DePuy ASR?
Numerous studies have demonstrated that the DePuy ASR and other “metal-on-metal” hip implant devices are extremely dangerous and may lead to serious complications. According to the manufacturer itself, DePuy’s recall of the ASR hip implant device was issued due to a study conducted by the National Joint Registry of England and Wales. Specifically, this study provided that approximately one out of eight people (representing a 12% to 13% failure rate) who were implanted with a metal-on-metal ASR hip device needed to have corrective revision surgery within 5 years of having had the implantation surgery. In applying the aforementioned 12% figure and multiplying by 93,000 (representing the number of ASR implant devices subject to the recall), it demonstrates that over 11,000 people may be required to have corrective surgery to remove the DePuy ASR device. Additional studies suggest even higher failure rates in some metal-on-metal hip replacement devices.
DePuy ASR in the News
Over the past few years, more than 6,000 people have filed lawsuits against DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc., (“DePuy”), for complications associated with their use of their DePuy ASR hip replacement device. Given the sheer number of lawsuits being filed against DePuy across the United States, over 4,000 were consolidated in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, identified as “In re: DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. ASR Hip Implant Products Liability Litigation, MDL No. 2197. The first federal lawsuit against DePuy pursuant to its recall of the DePuy ASR is set for May 6, 2013.
Attorney Ken Stern is Ready Now to Help You
It is crucial to speak with an attorney who is qualified to handle the various complexities and nuances associated with suing device manufacturers. Only a skilled lawyer can help victims of the DePuy ASR and other metal-on-metal hip replacement implant devices recover monetary damages for costs due to medical treatment, pain and suffering, as well as lost wages. You certainly need a product liability attorney on your side who has the experience necessary to help you get the compensation that you deserve.
DePuy ASR Case Evaluation
Give us a call today to see if you or a loved one may be entitled to recover monetary damages from complications caused by metal-on-metal hip replacement implant manufacturers. Call attorney Ken Stern at 1-844-808-7529, or complete an online contact form for assistance.