Catholic Church Sex Abuse Claim

Society is expected, and required, to protect its most vulnerable members. The sexual abuse of parishioners of the Catholic church is one of the most devastating stories to emerge over the last few decades. The details are both widely reported and almost beyond comprehension. Lost in the scandal can be the very real emotional damage experienced in the past, present and future by survivors of this abuse. Even as the Church appears focused on “moving on,” we cannot expect survivors to do the same silently. Stern Law is here to lend a voice to those who have experienced such abuse to be certain that they can receive the legal assistance necessary to begin their path forward.

Broken Trust, Harmed Lives

The importance of community cannot be understated when it comes to the growth and healthy development of an individual. With that comes a need for trust. Beyond the disturbing nature of the crimes committed against children and others by members of the Catholic church, the elements of betrayal of trust frequently remain ever present for many. Lifelong members of the Catholic religion have found themselves reeling due to the unconscionable actions of many individuals who pledged themselves to a life of service and, most importantly, care for the most vulnerable people in our communities.

A recap of years of litigation against the Catholic church for misconduct by its stewards is almost unnecessary due to the headlines and horrifying details which have emerged. What is undeniable is that the Church, for a timeline both unknown and unacceptable, has hidden significant and gross amounts of sexual misconduct by its priests and employees in an effort to maintain reputation and standing in the various communities it serves. While this is assuredly a worldwide issue, the coverup of misconduct by those trusted by so many is unconscionable. The various archdioceses involved in concealing or otherwise covering for accused abusers is far too numerous to be considered something isolated. Instead, it is sadly clear there was a known pattern of harm and neglect, followed by cover-up and concealment,  carried out by the larger Church itself.

A lawsuit seeking justice for misconduct by representatives of the Catholic church is unlike nearly any other type of litigation. It is focused for nearly all survivors on ensuring that justice is pursued and that, with each verdict or settlement, a message is sent that the efforts made by the Church to cover up or otherwise conceal the harm caused by its stewards cannot be permitted to ever happen again. Just as survivors of other disasters speak up in hopes of new regulation, enforcement, policies and other changes, so too do survivors of abuse by clergy and other members of the Catholic church. These survivors now similarly seek a concrete path forward of “never again.”

Importantly, because survivors of sexual abuse frequently seek to avoid “going public” or otherwise heard because of shame or regret, a confidential or publicly anonymous claim can be an important first step in comforting victims and moving them past the harm that has been caused.

Seeking Repair, Recovery Through Justice

Damage caused by sexual abuse, particularly when carried out by a trusted member of one’s religion, can be extremely damaging. The emotional toll is significant and with that comes a wide range of needs and expenses that  litigation can address. Decades of therapy and care, not to mention in-patient and out-patient treatment, can be necessary. Those expenses should not be the responsibility of the abused victim but, instead, the burden of those responsible for the unconscionable trauma they have caused. News reports, investigations and lawsuits have all revealed a level of complacency, if not outright intentional misconduct, by the Church in concealing and thereby furthering the damage caused by this abuse. The Church has been and should be responsible for its role in permitting and enabling these harms upon people such as yourself or a loved one.

Sharing one’s story about abuse suffered is never simple, let alone easy. Instead, it is an action intended to protect one’s self and their community while also seeking to address the misconduct which permitted these devastating acts to occur. Our legal efforts on behalf of victims of sexual abuse are centered around headlines, as other entities seem focused, but about simply, confidentially  and quietly ensuring justice. Privacy, discretion and confidentiality are at the core of our firm’s efforts: we are not out to take advantage of any attention or scandal but instead about advocating for our clients and best serving their interests. Each client has our absolute, steadfast commitment that their needs alone remain our focus. We wish to simply be advocates and lend a voice to those who have felt the need to be silent for far too long.

Lawsuits against the Catholic church for sexual abuse and misconduct are focused explicitly on accountability and recovery for those harmed by members of the cloth. Just as the Church speaks to themes of rebirth, so too do the funds made available help survivors of abuse access to the tools, treatment and care necessary to, hopefully, live with and through the harm that befell them. That an organization, or established entity, like the Catholic church could spend decades covering up such misconduct is negligent and unconscionable. Actions taken by survivors of such abuse are both necessary for their own recovery but also to promote critical change.

About Our Firm

Stern Law has spent decades speaking for those without a voice. In our representation of those harmed by misconduct our firm has embodied and worked towards justice in ways that we believe differentiates us from other law firms. With an established foundation for assisting victims of sexual abuse involving our most trusted institutions, whether involving our schools, medical professionals or public and private corporations, Stern Law remains exclusively focused on the proposition that the actions of others affecting our most vulnerable requires action. That aligns well with our mission and efforts to help those victims of sexual abuse by representatives of the Catholic church, including priests and all other individuals entrusted with care. We are qualified, prepared and effective on behalf of our clients because our roots are in the world of healing and, in any form possible, recovery – the two key focus items for victims of sexual abuse in this matter.

If you feel ready to confidentially speak your truth about your experience and seek a claim, our firm believes now is the time to take the steps necessary for moving forward with a claim. The lack of accountability by the Church is beyond disturbing. Stern Law counts amongst its employees’ followers of the Catholic religion who both advocate and embrace the efforts we are taking. Our efforts to assist survivors in their efforts to address, combat and live with the traumatic experience they have suffered is about helping and providing care through our significant legal experience. We believe our help stands as a testament to the very specific, victim-advocacy we’ve pledged ourselves to for decades. Survivors you see deserve a voice for justice. Stern Law is here to provide that voice when needed to ensure that each client feels heard so that change is made when moving forward.

Taking Action

For more information about beginning a confidential claim against the Catholic church for sexual abuse, please contact us by clicking here. Our staff is specifically trained and ready to speak with survivors of abuse about the trauma they have faced and we wish solely to help in ensuring that a path of recovery is available using our decades of experience creating and advocating change. Stern Law is here to listen to your story and help you work through the trauma of the past caused by sexual abuse by stewards of the Catholic church. This was never your fault and that it went on for so long is reprehensible – let our firm help you seek a path forward from this so that you can reclaim a future otherwise stolen by these unacceptable acts.

We hope to hear from you when you are ready to privately speak with our firm about your experience. Our firm is ready to assist you in moving forward with a claim when the time is right for you. For now, however, we wish you the best in your recovery and path forward no matter your choice.



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