3M Earplug Claim for Military Service Members

3M Earplug Claim

The brave men and women who serve our country in the armed forces deserve the best supplies and gear possible for their service on our behalf. Relying upon contractors and manufacturers to provide them the tools they need for their safety and success, service members are exceptionally vulnerable to product defects. Alternatives most often do not exist; those in the military work with the tools they are given to complete their mission and daily goals. Military servicemen and women risk their lives while taking on extreme challenges, doing their best to accomplish missions and goals while expecting that suppliers properly performed their mission.

This is why it is especially troubling when it appears a manufacturer acted fraudulently in concealing issues with one of those important items relied upon by our men and women in the military. Manufacturer 3M is now under intense scrutiny, and subject to lawsuits nationwide for issues with their military earplugs that are alleged to be improperly designed, resulting in trauma and hearing loss for countless veterans.

Intended to Protect Hearing Against Traumatic Sound

First and foremost, the earplugs in question are the 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs. Touted as having a dual-protection design and intended to be both comfortable and reusable, the earplugs were standard issue and the ‘first line of defense’ service members against potential harm from high and low-level noises. The military is especially aware of the potential for damage to the ear during service. Tinnitus is the number one disability for veterans, revealing how common trauma is, but also reflects the importance of proper protection.

The 3M earplugs at the heart of this issue were purchased and provided to prevent traumatic sound from damaging the hearing of our military. Whether gunfire, heavy machinery, even the ‘normal’ everyday hum of heavy vehicles, the environments encountered by our military can be extremely loud and harmful to the human ear. Just as a mask or breathing apparatus would be used for those in difficult air conditions, 3M earplugs were intended to reduce the effects of sound pollution and harm.

It is undeniable that 3M earplugs were selected as an everyday solution to block traumatic sound. 3M manufactured the earplugs with the promise of a solution to the problem of hearing damage caused by daily noise challenges. While the 3M earplug in controversy has been discontinued, that does not help those affected by their failures. Service members used them believing that any hearing problems resulting were simply ‘part of the job.’ Instead, these problems not only appear to be unnecessary, but also preventable.

Troubling Details Surround 3M Earplug Design, Sale

For more than a decade, it’s claimed that 3M provided defective earplugs to men and women serving in the military. While unexpected consequences can, in certain circumstances, be understandable, the troubling issue is that 3M is accused of knowing the earplugs were not sufficient to prevent injury. Manufacturers are expected to be proactive in resolving issues with their products and this 3M earplug matter appears to be a tragic example of a company not stepping up to do so.

Veterans nationwide allege 3M was aware that the earplugs:

  • Were tested improperly;
  • Did not come with proper documentation to indicate proper use/fit;
  • Failed to fit wearers in a way that could maintain protection;
  • Would fail to maintain a proper seal over the ear canal;
  • Did not properly prevent hearing damage despite constant use;
  • And more

It is important to note that the Department of Justice has already settled a lawsuit against the manufacturer for the failure of these earplugs. That investigation and settlement was explicitly about the failure of the 3M earplug to prevent catastrophic damage to users who otherwise expected them to provide safety in challenging times. Instead of preserving hearing and otherwise preventing injury, the earplugs’ “dangerous design defects” have left significant harm and lifelong suffering in their wake. The $9.1 million dollar settlement with the US government involved no admission of liability, which does little for those affected by these issues. It also did not result in a recall– meaning these earplugs are likely still being used by unwitting service members.

Hearing Problems and More

The impact on the lives of veterans due to these failing 3M earplugs has been tragic. Many report issues with Tinnitus, a medical condition qualifying for disability benefits where the individual experiences a persistent ringing sound in the ear. Others have experienced severe hearing loss, depriving them of returning to some semblance of normalcy after their service. In both instances, the condition is not reversible and, thus, their suffering becomes a part of everyday life.

This last point is critical – when a service member returns to civilian life, one of the things they most desire is a ‘return to normalcy.’ Unfortunately, we are seeing that these issues with 3M earplugs have significantly prevented that. Instead of being able to adjust back into civilian life, veterans now experience persistent ringing in their ears, hearing loss and more. That is unacceptable: in defending our country, our military deserves the best tools available and when they fall victim to a defective product, the manufacturer should be held accountable.

Choose Stern Law for 3M Earplug Claims

Our firm has spent decades helping those who have been harmed through no fault of their own. Defective products, especially those that create long-term medical hardships, have been a core part of our work in seeking justice for our clients. No person whose hearing has been harmed due to the allegedly defective 3M earplugs should face a lifetime of challenges due to the manufacturer’s actions (or inaction). Instead, they deserve justice for that trauma.

Stern Law is now accepting clients who have experienced harm to their hearing, including but not limited to a Tinnitus diagnosis or damage to their ability to hear. We are eager to bring our extensive experience in product defect cases to help veterans pursue compensation for the damages they have suffered and to protect their legal rights as litigation continues.  Many of those impacted by this 3M earplug matter put their lives on the line to protect our country’s rights, asking only that the safety devices they were provided for their mission be proper and effective. It appears 3M has let these service members down, but our firm is here to ensure they are not let down again.

If you have experienced hearing issues you believe were caused by failures of 3M earplugs, the time to act is now. Call our offices at 844-808-7529 or fill out our online form for more information or to begin the process of having a claim filed on your behalf. With no out-of-pocket fees, our clients can rest assured that we are motivated to seek an outcome that helps our veterans move on with their lives.

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