Making An Opioid Claim

opioid claim

Stern Law, PLLC, is currently talking with and reviewing opioid claim requests from individuals and organizations nationwide. The number of people suffering from opioid abuse and addiction in the United States has reached crisis levels, and the manufacturers of these drugs have played a huge part in creating the problem. Stern Law is holding them accountable. Read below and contact our office to find out if you qualify to join in our lawsuits and file an opioid claim.

Filing an Opioid Claim

Right now, Stern Law is reviewing each opioid claim on behalf of numerous types of potential plaintiffs. While there are a number of valid opioid uses when prescribed and administered properly, abuse and misuse have run rampant. The opioid problem in America is so pervasive that it affects multiple kinds of people and entities, and our firm is helping them all. You could be eligible to file a lawsuit with us if you are:

  1. A person who has a prescription opioid addiction or dependency;
  2. A person who is addicted to or dependent upon illegal opioids (i.e. heroin) but first took prescription opioids;
  3. A person who is recovered/recovering from a prescription opioid addiction, dependency, or overdose;
  4. A person who is recovered/recovering from an illegal opioid addiction, dependency, or overdose that began with prescription opioid use;
  5. A person who is suffering from side effects of prolonged prescription opioid use;
  6. A person who lost a loved one (wife, husband, child, etc.) to opioid overdose or side effects of prolonged opioid use;
  7. A person who has an incapacitated loved one (wife, husband, child, etc.) who is incapacitated because of opioid overdose or opioid side effects;
  8. A state government that has expended resources to deal with the opioid issues in your state (costs of treatment programs and facilities, costs of opioid antidotes, hiring additional emergency or law enforcement personnel, judicial system expenses, etc.);
  9. A city or municipal government that has expended resources to deal with the opioid issues in your state (costs of treatment programs and facilities, costs of opioid antidotes, hiring additional emergency or law enforcement personnel, judicial system expenses, etc.);
  10. A private insurance carrier that covered the costs of addiction or opioid side effects treatment, or covered opioid prescriptions for patients who did not actually need opioids or who did not need the amount prescribed; or
  11. A worker’s compensation carrier that covered workers’ opioid-related claims.

As you can see, Stern Law is covering an extensive and important range of people and entities affected. We are already representing people, families, and entities (including three worker’s compensation carriers), and we are appalled by the information we have learned so far in the course of investigating these claims. This problem is extremely widespread, and we are determined to help as many injured parties as we can.

The best way to understand whether you qualify to join one of our lawsuits is to contact our firm today. You will be able to speak to a member of our dedicated staff and one of our skilled opioid litigation lawyers, who will explain the case criteria and review your specific claim. If you believe you have a potential opioid case, do not delay protecting your rights. Contact Stern Law today.

The Importance of Hiring Experienced Representation

Due to the extremely personal and far-reaching damage these drugs can cause, it is critical that your legal representation have extensive experience and comfort in this form of law. The stakes are far too high to attempt to handle these problems alone, or to work with lawyers that might struggle with the intricacies and complexity of such a diverse area of law. Stern Law’s attorneys are well-versed in product liability and mass tort litigation, providing decades of experience handling complex drug product cases as proof they are up to take on this enormous challenge. Questions? Contact us today!

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