Prilosec Heart Attack

Prilosec heart attack – Prilosec, Nexium Side Effects: Acid Reflux Medication Heart Attack Class Action Lawsuit Investigation

Prilosec and Nexium are popular medications used to treat acid reflux disease. Entertainers such as Larry the Cable Guy and others have marketed these medications on television. These commercials portray Prilosec, Nexium, and other similar medications as the gateway to a life filled with fun and excitement and free from the pain and discomfort associated with acid reflux disease. These medications can also increase the likelihood of a patient suffering a heart attack and other heart-related complications. Injured patients are exploring their legal rights, which may include the right to participate in a class action lawsuit against AstraZeneca and other manufacturers of similar drugs.

Use of Proton Pump Inhibiters Like Prilosec and Nexium

Prilosec and Nexium are two of the most popular proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs available today. Other PPIs include Prevacid, Dexilant, and Protonix. In the past, Prilosec and Nexium were both available with a prescription, but Nexium has recently been approved to be sold over-the-counter. Other proton pump inhibitors are also available over-the-counter. Millions of individuals use proton pump inhibitors each year.

A recent study conducted at Stanford University and Houston Methodist found that use of proton pump inhibitors caused the patient to experience an over 20 percent increase in the risk of experiencing a heart attack. The study did not account for other factors (such as diet and lifestyle) that may also cause one person to experience a higher risk of heart attack than another person. Nonetheless, the researchers believed the link between proton pump inhibitor use by patients and an increase in the risk of heart attacks to be sufficiently strong to encourage patients to discuss the matter with their doctors.

Individual Prilosec Lawsuit vs. Class Action Lawsuit

AstraZeneca and other drug manufacturers create products that can be harmful to patients. What is more, patients may not realize the risks of these drugs until either they experience side effects themselves or learn of others who experience them. That is why the law imposes certain duties upon drug manufacturers like AstraZeneca, including:

  • The duty to follow federal regulations in the development of new drugs, including completing the required clinical trials and seeking approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prior to marketing the drug as a “cure” or “treatment” for any condition;
  • Not make any advertisements or statements that claim the drug is able to treat a condition for which the drug has not been approved;
  • Not provide any incentives to doctors or other medical professionals to prescribe the drug for any condition that the drug has not been approved to treat;
  • Provide patients with as comprehensive of a list of potential side effects as possible. Even if the side effect is not likely to occur, the drug manufacturer is required to disclose it to patients. Most times, side effects are disclosed on instructions and literature included with the drug or placed conspicuously on the box. (The drug manufacturer must also not try to hide these warnings and side effects by printing them in extremely small print or on an inconspicuous place of the box.)

A drug manufacturer who violates these duties or who tries to hide negative information and potential complications of its drug may be named as the defendant in an injury lawsuit. If there are a number of patients who have been injured in a similar way by the same drug (such as hundreds or thousands of patients who all suffered heart attacks or developed heart conditions after taking proton pump inhibitors, for example), these injured patients may form a class and together bring a class action lawsuit against the drug manufacturer.

In a class action lawsuit, all of the claims and interests of the class members are represented through a handful of plaintiffs who are responsible for presenting and prosecuting the case. If the class members presenting the case are successful in proving the drug manufacturer’s liability, then all class members (including those that did not actively participate in the case) share in whatever settlement or compensation award that is obtained. Individuals whose claims might be presented through a class action lawsuit will usually need to decide whether they intend to participate in the class action suit or whether they wish to pursue an individual lawsuit against the drug manufacturer.

If you or a loved one have taken or are presently taking Prilosec, Nexium, or another proton pump inhibitor and you have developed cardiac conditions or suffered a heart attack, contact Stern Law, PLLC at (844) 808-7529 to discuss your cases and injuries with our experienced legal team. We know you may require compensation for medical treatment and other losses and want to help you to obtain this compensation. Call Stern Law, PLLC today for prompt, experienced, and compassionate assistance.

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